Mujawar meets Mahathir Mohammed
The Source: - 23/12/2008
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Prime Minister Ali Mujawar met on Monday in Mukalla city with former
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed, who is participating in the
conference "Industry Future of Yemen "which started its activities on
Monday in Mukalla. They have reviewed Yemeni-Malaysian
economic and cultural cooperation relations and their future horizons,
particularly means of boosting joint investment work in oil, minerals,
tourism, fishery wealth sectors and confirming to make use of the
significant Malaysian economic experiences which was led by Dr.
Mahathir Mohammed. Mujawar has confirmed the need for
institutional development for cooperation relations between the two
countries at governmental and private sector levels and exchanging
databases about ways of investment, indicating interest to make
advantage of Malaysian experiences and apply them in Yemen to boost
economic and human development activities. On his part,
Mahathir showed Malaysia's readiness to offer its experiences in
industrial and human development fields, so as to serve Yemen's trend
in industrial development, pointing out Malaysian appreciation for
significant role of pioneer Yemeni emigrants who contributed in
spreading Islam and building of Malaysia. He revealed that
Malaysians or Yemeni origins are still representing strong link between
the two countries and contribute in boosting connection operations and
improving mutual ties