Seiyun (Arabic) Mukalla (Arabic) Put here the freq. of both radio channels
Weather To know the weather in Yemen
Currency To learn the value of Yemeni Rial against foreign currencies
Telephone Code To identify the code phones in the cities of Hadhramout Governorate
Emergency No. To identify the numbers of emergency in the cities of Hadhramaut Governorate
What do you think of setting (18 years) minimum age for marriage ?

Good 56% Bad 44% Voting Results

Weather City Name Large Grade Small Grade
Sana'a 22 8
Mukalla 29 19
Seiyoun 29 11
Hodeidah 31 22
Socotra 25 24
Aden 27 24
Saada 25 8
Ibb 23 9
Marib 30 13
Al-Ghaidah 28 19
Taiz 24 12
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