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What do you think of setting (18 years) minimum age for marriage ?
Good 56% Bad 44% Voting Results

Vote Results The resposible body for the opinion poll is the local council in Hadhramaut Governorate.
Good 56% 2549 Bad 44% 1978 Add Comment Cancel Comment Voters: 4527
Note : All opinions are published without any intervention from the editing authority in what goes in harmony with the site deal. Name City E-mail Comment
Name Tasneen Salim City Mukkalla 18/05/35 11:31:27 ã because they are still children
Name Tasneen Salim City Mukkalla 07/05/35 09:14:30 ã it's so bad age for marriage>

Thanks alot for your comment Tasneen Salim ,but could you please give me the reasons.

Name hala City tareem 06/05/35 11:40:59 ã no < not suitable age

Thank you for expressing your opinion Hala

Name sami City sah 29/04/35 09:56:05 ã i think its good age.

My dear Sami Thanks for your post

Name Saeed Al-Aweny City mwanza 28/03/32 05:40:53 Õ its good coz it is minimum age

Thank you Saeed for your wonderful review

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