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Business News
New Houthi-minted currency increases economic divide in Yemen Aden/ - Sunday 31/Mar./2024
Yemen’s Houthi militia has issued a new 100-riyal coin for the first time in nearly a decade, a move that sparked the ire of the Aden-based central bank.

Statement on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States Aden/ - Monday 03/April/2023
The Ambassadors to Yemen from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States met on  March 2023.
Vice Governor Headed a Meeting on the Technical Assistance Action Plan in CBY Sectors & Departments
Dr. Mohammed Omar Banajah, CBY Vice Governor, headed a meeting with the deputies of sectors and the general managers of departments to discuss the bank's Technical Assistance (TA) Action Plan, which covers the main priorities and needs in these sectors and departments for technical assistance in such areas as capacity building & training, organizational & legal frameworks and regulations uplifting.
Return of commercial flights from Yemeni capital after 6 years, an ‘important’ step The first commercial flight from Sana’a airport in Yemen takes place in almost six years
Hans Grundberg noted that the first flight to leave the Houthi-controlled airport in Sana’a - since not long after fighting intensified between the rebel forces there and the Saudi-backed coalition supporting the internationally-recognized Government – had been a key part of the Truce agreement last month.
The Central Bank of Yemen holds a meeting with the World Bank
Central Bank of Yemen's team, headed by Dr. Muhammad Banajah, Vice-Governor, held a meeting with the World Bank's team via Zoom to discuss aspects of the technical assistance/support project and the fiduciary assessment project to be provided to the CBY in the nearest future.
The Issuance of a Republican Decree on Restructuring the CBY's Board of Directors
Below is the text of the Republican Decree No. (14) of the Year 2021, which was issued today, on restructuring the CBY's Board of Directors:
A slight improvement in the currency ... The Central Bank is carrying out an intensive inspection campaign to control violations
Today, the President of the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden carried out an intensive field inspection campaign targeting companies and exchange facilities, to control violations and irregularities, and this was accompanied by a slight improvement in the rate of the national currency against foreign currencies.

CYB: Only banks can offer electronic payment services The Central Bank of Yemen (CYB) in Aden said" The CYB is the only authorized body to issue monetary and gives licenses to offer electronic payment, and the decree issued recently by the branck of the CYB in Sana'a about authorizing certain financial institutions identified by Sana'a branch to offer electronic payment service via mobile is a decree issued by an authority isn't legally entitled to do so, thus there is no law about regulizing these financial institutions' action, nor there is legal framework allows institutions otherwise the banks to offer such services".

Economic Committee calls for limiting use of banknotes to reduce Corona risks
The Supreme Economic Committee on Tuesday called on all government agencies and organizations working in the field of providing cash aid, merchants, and citizens to limit the use of banknotes, and use electronic money instead to reduce the risks of Corona epidemic.

Agriculture , food security in Yemen
Food security is one of the main challenges facing the state and it is a national security priority and importance grows as conflicts and wars worsen, and consider Increased crop production is one of the key ingredients for food sufficiency and food security.
Al-Rayyan International Airport is Preparing Tomorrow to Receive a Flight From Cairo
Al-Rayyan International Airport is preparing for tomorrow, Tuesday, to receive the first flight coming from Cairo International Airport, weeks after the airport stopped working.
Hadhramaut, a Steady Pace of Work and Sustainable Projects, According to a Comprehensive Development Vision Launched by alBahssani Leader to Advance The Governorate
Hadramout governorate is witnessing these days continuous work and giant projects that are important to the citizen and came in accordance with the comprehensive development vision launched by Major General Faraj Salmeen Al-Bahsni, governor of Hadramout Governorate, commander of the second military region to advance Hadramout in various fields and make it a role model and a tribute to all its visitors and visitors and a point of Arab and external praise.
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