A team of field research prepares to collect data on a qualitative study on
The Source: MUKALLA/hadhramaut.info - 03/04/2012
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A team of field research prepares to collect data on a qualitative study on women economy situation in Hadhramout. A team of field Researches is preparing to collect data on qualitative study on the qualitative study on women economy situation in Hadhramout. The activities is being organized at the headquarters of the National Committee for Women Hadhramout branch. This includes training course for field survey teams that will collect data for full study on the economic situation of women that touches the living conditions of women who have no breadwinner, widows and divorcees .This project aims to strengthen the role of women in the comprehensive and sustainable development, economic empowerment and the removal of all distortions, legislative and institutional aspects of excellence as well as helping women to improve her conditions and her living standard.