Yemeni Saudi Business Council - an economic zone at Al-wadiah
The Source: - 21/04/2009
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Yemeni Saudi businessmen Council -will have their meeting on Tuesday in the Saudi city of Najran, organized by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in collaboration with the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, the Customs Department and the Secretariat for the development of exports in Najran. The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hadhramout - Vice-President of the Yemeni side in the Council, Omar Ba-jorosh for told Yemen News Agency (Saba), that the relevance of the meetings of the Council of businessmen in the two countries, which will be held on 21 and April 22 in Najraan city, being seen that it will consider the completion of the discussions on the establishment .Saudi Yemen economic zone in Al-wadiahy- Shorurah border post in Hadhramaut. Also considered is the establishment of a joint company for investment and the establishment of various projects, especially after the Yemeni government's has completed the infrastructure-related aspects of the border post , which is credited for the development of the areas of economic cooperation and bilateral trade between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. He noted that the meetings will discuss issues related to how to facilitate the movement of goods between the two countries also to overcome the difficulties encountered in the context of close and the excellent relations between the Yemen and Saudi Arabia and their governments and their leadership's keenness to develop economic and trade cooperation and effective contribution to the business sector in both countries in strengthening the existing partners. He stated that the the Saudi Yemeni Council for businessmen was founded in 2001, but it was revived did not revived actually until the meetings of the Supreme Council for the coordination of the Saudi Yemeni in Mukalla Hadhramaut held in June 2006 that aimed at promoting the economic, increase the volume of trade exchange and the development of joint investments between Yemen and Saudi businessmen, to define to the businessman on the two side the investment opportunities, and encourage the exchange of goods and services between them. It is noted that the Alwadiah border post outlet in Hadhramaut has been diverted into a commercial port since the beginning of June 2007after the port was dedicated to land-border for individuals crossing, later made into an outlet for the movement of trade exchange between the two countries