$ 50 mln Kuwaiti social fund project contribution
The Source: www.sabanews.net - 22/2/2009
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Director General of Kuwait Development Fund Abdul Wahab Ahmed al-Badr
said that the Fund will contribute to financing the 3rd phase of Social
Fund Project in Yemen with $50 million from the $900 million total
amount of the project. Upon his arrival on Saturday in Sana'a,
al-Badr considered the Project, which a number of donors would
contribute to its implementation beside Kuwait, an optimistic step
because of its support employees and providing of more projects and
work opportunities for Yemeni society. Al-Badr identified this
project as first sign for what was agreed on during Yemeni-Kuwaiti
committee foundation meeting in the beginning of current month and one
of projects which is to be implemented by the fund, in addition to a
number of small enterprises that would use the Yemeni national economy.