Turkey wants to invest in agriculture and fisheries in Yemen
The Source: SANA'A\Hadhramaut\Saba - Sunday -25/May/2014
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Turkey has showed its willingness to invest in the agricultural and fisheries sectors in Yemen and to provide advanced expertise and technologies to contribute to the development of these sectors. The Turkish ambassador to Yemen Fazli Çorman indicated on Sunday in a statement to the Defense Ministry' website "26sep.net", during his visit to the second agricultural festival, which was launched in Sana'a on Saturday, that Yemen has promising experience in the agricultural and fisheries field and Turkey wants to assist Yemen in developing this experience.
”Turkey can help Yemen in the agricultural sector by entering the high-tech and advanced equipment and bringing Turkish investors to help, as well as the development of Yemeni agricultural exports", Çorman said.
The ambassador affirmed that the volume of trade exchange between Yemen and Turkey reached $ 600 million during the past year and that the two countries have a close cooperation relationship in many areas.