Ministry of Endowments and Guidance -Hadhramaut holds training session fro 20
The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 12/12/2011
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Ministry of Endowments and Guidance -Hadhramaut holds training session fro 20 preachers and Khatib from Tarim and Al-qatn on the arts of presentation. Office of the Ministry of Endowments and Guidance - Wadi Hadhramaut and Sahraa today held its second training session for preachers and khutabaa for masajids in the art of orating. The session was attended by 20 participants coming fro Tarim and Al-qatn districts. The course which was presented by, Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed Zain Bin Shihab covered topics on steps of how to prepare and present scientific material in an excellent descriptions as well as in a natural and an attractive way.