Hadramout coast hygiene Board Fund stands in front central market conditions
The Source: MUKALLA/hadhrramaut.info - 03/10/2010
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In its regular meeting in Mukalla today chaired by Provincial Undersecretary Mr. Abdullah Awadh Hatem the Fund for cleaning and Improvement Governing Counci approved draft budget estimates for the year 2011. This is for Hadhramaut coastal districts and it is estimated total amount of 918 million riyals for year 2011 budget. fcompared to the General budget which is 499 million, with an increase of 54% . by Undersecretary of the province to the affairs of the coast Brother / the Fund. The Council Also approved the minutes of agreement handing over city of Mukalla cleaning project to the of Mukalla City District, being represented by its Director-General Mr. Salim Saleh Abdel Haq, The district shall be responsible for cleanliness of the city, its neighborhoods, main streets, inside lanes beginning from Al-yaan Region In this Council session it also discussed a number of other topics, including the rapid implementation of a tender to buy garbage drums for Mukalla clean-up project in Mukalla, a total of five hundred barrels. as well as the problem of stray dogs and the need to expedite the provision of materials and the necessary means to combat and reduce thier danger to citizens. The meeting reviewed the situation of the Central Market for vegetables, fruits and fish, situated at Hai Al Omaal Rigion and the issue of its hygiene and clean-up as well as its requirements in maintenance and improvement . Also the organization of its vendors, whereby aformation of a committee was approved to visits the market. The committee is made up of all stakeholders in the Cleaning Fund. the project and the local authority in the District so as to view the ssituation and conditon of the market and later foward its report on the necessary requirements and maitanance needed to improve the quality as its environmental conditions