Arab Mining Co. explores Magnesia in Marib
The Source: SANA'A/hadhramaut.infor/ - 12/09/2010
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Explorations, carried out by the Arab Mining Company, for Magnesia raw of high-quality in al-Thania area, Marib province, have showed that there are large reserves of the raw A report issued by the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Board (GSMRB) of Yemen, pointed out that the company, which started drillings last year, has carried out a general geological study on an area of 16 square kilometers and a detailed geological study on an area of one square kilometer, including the preparation of a geological map and a topographic map. The Arab Mining Company has collected and analyzed ten samples of the raw chemically and the results of the analysis confirmed the purity of the raw, where the ratio of magnesium oxide is between 32.4 – 45.8 percent, the report indicated.Moreover, the company has applied metal analysis on those samples, which showed that the basic component of the rock is magnesia and dolomite in addition to slight ratios of calcite and feldspar and a scarcity of quartz and talc.Results of petrography study on two samples showed that the minerals, which form the rock of magnesia and dolomite as well as other minerals, include calcite, clay, iron oxides and anhydrite.According to the company, the reserves of the raw in the chosen area amount to about 30.2 million tons.The Arab Mining Company is a joint Arab company headquartered in Jordan, established in 1974 to consolidate the Arab economic relations on the basis of joint cooperation to utilize the mineral sources in economically diversified investments in productive and development projects.