Tourism Council approves initiative to support, finance 11 tourist project
The Source: SANA'A/hadhramaut.infor/ - 23/08/2010
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The Supreme Council of Tourism discussed on Monday the memorandum of Tourism Minister on the initiative of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the development of the tourist product in Yemen The initiative stipulated the implementation of 11 projects, including administrative management of tourism purposes and raising the level of tourism awareness, developing tourist skills and other projects relating to the development of tourist product.The council, chaired by Prime Minister Ali Mujawar, approved initiative of supporting and financing those projects in partnership with the UNWTO.Those projects aim to highlight and develop all types of tourist products in various sites of tourism attractions in order to create a vision for sustainable tourism that would contribute to help local communities to benefit directly from the tourism.Moreover, the council approved the report on the results of the first tourism expenditure survey 2008-2009, which aimed to reach a determination of the expenditure average of inbound and outbound tourism as well as to get data and reliable information that enable measuring the tourist consumption and its economic impact.According to the survey, the average of tourist expenditure per day amounted generally to USD 145 for foreigners and USD 44 for Yemeni expatriates.The council commended efforts exerted by the Ministry of Tourism in the survey process which reached these indications accurately.On another hand, the council got acquainted with a memorandum by the Tourism Minister on the investment project of Knooz Ibb (Ibb Treasures). The project is a multi-phased plan to construct a miniature town, with luxury apartments and villas, a five-star hotel, shops, gym and commercial properties.According to the memorandum, it is expected that the project, which its estimated cost is about USD 100 million , would provide 2000 direct jobs and 4000 indirect jobs during the period of implementation , and about 500-1000 direct jobs and 250 indirect jobs when operating.The council affirmed its support to this project and directed to deliver the land of the project to the company to start the implementation of the project, stressing on the implementation during a maximum period of two years, unless the land of would be restored. Furthermore, the council reviewed a report by the Ministry of Tourism on the Sana'a Fifth Summer Tourist Festival, which was held during July 1 to 31, 2010.The council approved the provision of a permanent headquarters to host various art events of the festival