Yemen wins 3 international awards in Jeddah Innovation Ex. 2010
The Source: jeddah/hadhramut .info/sabanews - 29/05/2010
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Yemen has won three international awards in the "Ibitkar" Innovation Exhibition 2010 opened last Friday in the Saudi city of Jeddah The Yemeni inventor, Head of the Yemeni Inventors Federation Dr. Khalid Nashwan won the Australia's Cup, named Cup of Sydney, on his invention, Nashwan Para-sound set.The set is used to treat arteries without surgeries and without pain.Nashwan's invention has obtained more than 30 international awards and the patent was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).The Yemeni inventor Hani Ba-Ja'alh, head of Yemeni Inventors Federation branch in Hadramout province, won the Boland's Award on his electronic invention, which helps in early detection of infectious diseases, including swine flu. Also, the Yemeni inventor Fahd Ba-Eshen, a member of Yemeni Inventors Federation branch in Hadramout province, won the Award of the State of Croatia on his invention, which helps to prevent smoking in public places.The inventor Fahd Ba-eshen obtained two bronze medals from Switzerland and Slovenia, while Ba-Ja'alh got the bronze medal at the Geneva International Exhibition for Inventions.