Two Russian planes laden with foodstuffs for IDPs arrive this week
The Source: sana'a-moscow/ - 15/02/2010
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The first Russian plane carrying foodstuffs and aid presented by the Russian government will arrive on Tuesday to help relieve the displaced people due to Saada and Harf Sufian's rebellion. Director of the Executive Unit of Displaced People Camps Management Hashim al-Hamly told Saba that the other plane will arrive on Friday, making clear that the two planes will unload foodstuffs for children, tents, sugar and mobile electricity generators and highly valued these humanitarian assistances.On the other hand, Yemen ambassador to Moscow Mohammed al-Hilaly expressed appreciation for the Russian government for this aid, considering this incident an embodiment of the strong relations of Yemen and Russia.He praised the Russian supportive stances for Yemen's independence, unity, stability and its rights to protect its sovereignty.