Rebels group goes to trial next week
The Source: - 22/10/2009
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The state security court is expected to begin next week the trial of a 10-member group of al-Houthi rebels accused of involving in criminal acts at Bani Hushaish district in Sana'a province in 2008. Well-informed judicial sources said on Thursday to the state-run weekly 26September that the defendants of the 11th group are accused of forming an armed gang and killing soldiers and citizens and sabotaging public and private properties in Bani Husheish. Last week, the court handed down death sentences to Ten more Houthi supporters and sentenced five others to 15 years in prison each. The verdict comes among a series of rulings delivered for the Bani Hushaish subversive groups charged with supporting the north-based insurgency. The sentenced were convicted of forming a subversive gang that fought the troops last year in support for the al-Houthi insurgents. Indictments also included that the members looted the people's properties and destroyed military equipment. On Monday Houthi leader Al-Mohatwari was sentenced to death and ten other Houthi followers received jail terms ranging from 8 to 10 years. The group was convicted of taking part in a subversive gang in the district of Bani Hushaish, Sana'a. The court also handed down last Saturday death sentences to two subversive elements and sentenced ten others to eight to twelve years in prison after they were found guilty of subversion. The group was convicted of forming an armed group that was involved in carnage and subversion in the district of Bani Hushaish. Northern provinces of Saada and Amran are the hotbeds of the al-Houthi rebels, who have been fighting the troops since 2004. The government accuses the group of forming an armed gang that killed troops and civilians in the north. In July, Yemen handed down death sentences to ten subversives after they were found guilty of forming armed gangs and fighting the troops in support for the al-Houthis. Others were given jail terms ranging from 5-15 years. Indictments against the sentenced included that they had weapons which they used to carry out bombings, fight troops and harm the people's interests. Many groups known as Bani Hushaish subversive groups, which fought troops in 2008 in support of the Houthi rebellion, have gone on trials. July verdicts came after several hearings in which more than 140 accused faced Yemen court on charges related to forming armed groups.