Course on drug-related crimes investigation kicked off
The Source: / - 17/10/2009
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A training course on the drug-related investigation field for women police was launched here in the General Department for Combating Drugs.In the ten-day course, ten female trainees from the different security bodies in the capital Sana'a will receive knowledge about the technical ways related to inspection and investigation operations in the drug-related crimes.
Undersecretary of Interior Ministry Fadhl al-Qawsi affirmed the course importance, noting the aggravation of the drug-related crimes at the international level due to increasing the drug addicts' number.Al-Qawsi pointed out the necessity of gathering efforts and coordination between all concerned authorities for combating drugs and smugglers.For his part, General Director of General Department for Combating Drugs Khaled al-Radhi reviewed Yemen's efforts in promoting the skills of workers who work in this field through holding the training courses.He pointed out that Yemen was ranked the first at the Arab World level in field of seizing drugs, pointing that the seized quantity during 2008 amounted to 26 tons of cannabis and over 13 million drug pills in 113 drug cases in which 252 people were accused including 79 from different nationalities.