More bodies recovered from Yemenia airliner crash
The Source: - 09/07/2009
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The Committee on Monitoring Civil Aviation Accidents said Thursday that it has received information from the search and rescue crew in Moroni that 3 more bodies from the Yemeni crashed plane have been recovered off Comoros' coasts.In a press release, Saba got a copy of it, the committee mentioned that the research and rescue crew, which consists of Yemeni, French and Comorian parts, still continues search in the area for the possibility of finding more bodies or remains from the ill-fated plane.The committee announced last Wednesday that it had received information from the Tanzanian authorities that 13 more bodies and debris from the Yemeni crashed airliner have been recovered off the Tanzanian coasts among them the plane' tail, a chair and other pieces showing the year of manufacturing,1990.The search team located in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, moved to Mafia Island, 400 km from Dar Es Salam, to inspect the debris recovered there, the committee indicated.The committee added that it phoned on Thursday Chairman of Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Chairman of Board of Yemen Airways and the Comorian Vice President for Transportation and Tourism Affairs to follow up the progress in the works of transporting the bodies and the efforts of search and rescue.The Yemenia flight IY 626 from Sana'a to Moroni crashed into the Indian Ocean on Tuesday, June 30th, with 152 people including a crew of 11 aboard. Only a French teenager girl survived the disaster.Several bodies and some pieces of the wreckage of the airplane have been found so far.Search for the two black boxes is continuing with recent reports saying signals from the boxes were detected and they could be retrieved soon