The Governor of Hadhramaut, Mr. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, met today in Mukalla, Deputy Governor of Shabwa Nasir Muhammad Al-Qumaishi.
The governor welcomed Al-Qumaishi, stressing the depth of the relationship between the two executive authorities in Hadhramaut and Shabwa, and the ties of kinship and ties that unite the sons of Shabwa and Hadramawt, stressing the support of the sons of Hadhramaut to their brothers in Shabwa at various stages, and support for efforts to establish stability throughout the governorate.
Shabwa Governor Nasser al-Qumaishi blessed Professor Mabkhout bin Madi for his appointment as governor of Hadhramaut, conveying to him the greetings of Shabwa Governor Awad bin al-Wazir al-Awlaki, thanking the positions of the local authority leadership in Hadhramaut and the people of Hadhramaut in general, the last of which was support for establishing security in Shabwa.
At the meeting, they discussed efforts to coordinate joint cooperation between the two governorates in various fields, and ways to enhance them for the benefit of citizens.