Bahrain confirms support for unity of Yemen
The Source: / - 22/06/2009
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King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa confirmed on Monday support of his country for unity and stability of Yemen.
During his receive for Vice President of Yemen Abdu Raboh Mansor Hadi, the king affirmed concern of his country to enhance bilateral relations and mutual cooperation with Yemen. The vice president handed over a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh to the king, concerning bilateral relations between the two countries and issues of common concern. He also conveyed regards of president Saleh and wishing him good health and further prosperity and progress for the Bahraini people. The king welcomed the vice president and his accompanying delegation, highlighting level of the brotherly relationship between the two countries. He pointed out to the role of the Bahrain-Yemeni joint committee which would be held its first meeting soon, wishing success for the meeting to boost field of the mutual cooperation between the two countries. The king also asked the vice president to convey his regards to president Saleh wishing him good health and happiness and more progress for the Yemeni people.