An expanded meeting
was held today in Seiyoun with a number of
farmers having interest in planting palm trees in the Wadi Hadramout Districts And
Sahara. The meeting was headed
by the Director General - office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation , Eng Omar Karama Mahiewer
in the presence of the advisers
Center of Arab Studies for the Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) Dr.
Nasreddin Al-ubeid - Director - Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs
as well as Dr. Abdel-Basset Awdah - Director of
Department of Plant Resources, head of the palm in the center..
The Meeting was devoted o up a development
mechanism for the implementation of replanting
date palm trees in Hadramout and Al-mahra at a cost of 500 thousand
dollars funded by the Islamic Development Bank within the program of short-term
emergency assistance. The purpose of
this is supporting the efforts of the Yemeni government to address the food
crisis through the replanting of about 6 thousand shoot of the palm the provinces
of Hadramout and Mahara and introduce different samples texture to offset
losses in the garden of the farmers who
have been affected by recent flooding in the eastern in October of last year in
2008. In accordance with the timetable set for the project, which starts from
May this 2009 and will last for two years. The
discussions focused on the need to deliver the seedlings to the recipients and
the selection of the items that were tested, demonstrated its suitability with
dry, humid land environment and high-quality
of production in the quantitative and qualitative. The Technical team also visited the genetic saver project in the experimental
farm of the Agricultural Research Station in Seiyoun to get to know some ideas
and visions of the farmers in the
District of Saah on palm cultivation. During their visit to the District
yesterday, where they were welcomed by the District commissioner Omar al-Jaberi
and were shown the extent of the damage to the Agricultural land Saah.