Gov't, donors assess progress in pledges' allocation , MAF implementation
The Source: SANA'A\Hadhramaut\Saba - Monday -23/JUNE/2014
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The Government and donors convened here on Monday to follow up the donors' pledges and assess the implementation of duties set in the Mutual Accountability Framework (MAF). The meeting, organized by the Executive Bureau to accelerate absorption of donors' pledges, was devoted to review and assess the progress made in allocating donor pledges and the reforms that have been accomplished so far.
In the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Electricity Abdullah al-Akwa and Minster of Planning and International Cooperation reviewed the exceptional circumstances and the political and economic challenges that have faced Yemen since the last follow-up meeting between the government and the donors until today.
The two ministers indicated to the efforts made and being exerted by the government to complete the political transition process, confirming that the government is determined, in spite of all challenges, to proceed towards establishing and building a modern Yemeni state based on the implementation of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) outcomes.
Al-Akwa and al-Sa'adi stressed the importance of providing further support and aid to Yemen to complete the democratic transition and the peaceful transfer of power, as the economy is the most important part in tackling the challenges facing Yemen.
For her part, Executive Director of the Executive Bureau to accelerate absorption of donors' pledges Amat al-Alim Alsoswa affirmed that What has been accomplished so far does not live up to the level of ambition sought by the government and its partners from the donors.
"This will cast a greater responsibility on the government and donors, as well as on the Executive Bureau to accelerate absorption of donors' pledges", Alsoswa added.
She pointed out that the Bureau focused during the past three months on aspects relating its, besides the focus on following up the implementation of the policies of priority contained in the MAF and the implementation of about 21 projects of priority at a financing cost of $ 2 billion, as well as assessing the performance of five executive units of the projects.
Alsoswa considered that the shortest way to overcome the political and security challenges, especially the challenges of terrorism and the current security imbalances, is further development based on increasing the levels of employment and creating more job opportunities.
For his part, director of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) office in Yemen Saad al-Arifi indicated that the escalation of the repercussions of the economic crisis in Yemen puts the national reconciliation government and the donor community again in front of a joint responsibility represented in importance of pushing the economic conditions in the country towards improvement.
Al-Arifi confirmed that the GCC countries were and still keen to continue to provide all aspects of the economic and political support to Yemen.
The World Bank's Country Director in Yemen Wael Zakout stressed the importance of sensing the critical circumstances experienced by Yemen, considering that repercussions of the economic crisis existing in Yemen has reached the limits that are difficult for Yemeni citizens to bear.
Zakout renewed the Bank's readiness to continue to provide all aspects of support to enhance the transition process in Yemen.