Yemen participates in the First Arab Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Jordan
The Source: Mukalla/Hadramoutinfo - [21/March/2013]
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Yemen participates in First Arab Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. which was inaugurated on Tuesday in the Jordanian city of Aqaba and organized by (special Aqaba authority ) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme. And the support of the Swiss Agency for International Development (USAID). The conference will discuss held during 19-21 March several issues related to reducing the risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides and others , that may lead to the destruction of life and efforts of Arab countries in the development of policies and programs that lead to reduction and mitigation.
Yemen participates with working paper prepared by the Engineer Abdullah Mohammed Motaafi , Undersecretary of the Ministry of Public Works and Highways Fund Executive Director reconstruction of Hadramout and Mahra Yemen experiences in disaster reduction .
For her part, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for disaster risk reduction. Margareta Wahlstrom, the world was witnessing disasters faster than can be addressed, "even if the deaths caused by natural disasters are on the decline in many parts of the world, but the economic lossesincreasing disasters hinder human development .
Also, for its part, the Chairman of sustainable development and international environmental cooperation in the Arab League. Sherah Wahbi, in a speech on behalf of the Secretary-General of the League, said that "the Arab region particularly affected by the scarcity of water resources. And the coastline long enjoyed by the region specific high levels of surfaceSea, as well as varying levels of rain, which affects a number of countries "