Seiyun University wins tenth place in the International Commercial Arbitration Competition.
Seiyun University in Riyadh was crowned in the Grand Hall of the Hilton Hotel with the tenth place for the best memorandum on the plaintiff in the International Commercial Arbitration Competition in which 154 teams from 24 Arab and non-Arab countries participated.
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Seiyun City Market as it appears on the night of the tenth of Ramadan 1446 AH
Seiyun City Market during the month of Ramadan every year has its own uniqueness in its revival, as the city is the commercial center of the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert, where people from villages, countrysides, deserts and plains flock to buy their needs, and the congestion begins at the end of Shaaban.
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Master's degree for the researcher Lutfi Abdel-Harith Abdel-Halim Al-Shukour from the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, Al- Ahgaff University, in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Principles
The researcher, Lutfi Abdel-Harith Abdel-Halim Al-Shakoor, obtained a master's degree in Jurisprudence and its origins from the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies at Al-Ahgaff University, Department of Jurisprudence and its origins, for his thesis titled (The approach to dealing with the preferred opinions in the four schools of thought).
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Al-Ahgaff University signs a memorandum of understanding with the Qalam Foundation for Creativity
The Vice President of the University, Professor Sadiq Omar Maknoon, accompanied by the Counselor, Dr. / Hashem Alawi Muqaibel, the Legal Advisor and Head of the Alumni Affairs Unit at the University, met with Mr. Fadi Hussein Bafadhel, Director of the Qalam Foundation for Creativity in the Office of the Vice President of the University.
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