Al-dein visits Martyr Adnan Ekeish Family
The Source: MUKALLA/ - 03/05/2012
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Hadhramaut's Governor Khalid Saeed Al-deini today visit the family of martyr Adnan Mohammed Ekich - Deputy Director of the anti-drug within Hadhramout Security Forces. deaceased passed on 23 April,2012 at Ras Howeireh in Hadhramaut province while doing his legitimate, National and human duty in the anti-drug field. He emphasizes that the local authority is paying attention and full interest in sponsering the family of the martyr and all other martyrs families from officers and soldiers who were murdered by the haands of treachery, treason, and agents. Praying to Almighty Allahtoforgivness and to grant the martyr Muhammad Adnan Ekeish Ekich forgivnes, rest his soul in eternal peace and grant his family and relatives patience and solace.