Al-itihad sports club greatest fan in Wadi dies at the age of 64
The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 01/03/2012
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Seiyoun city today held a funerral procession for the late Said Salim Mohammed Ba-kathir known by his nick name as Said Bu-sheikh . The late was a well known personal, social and sports figure. He was
thegratest fan of Alittihad football clubof Saudi Arabia. His funeral
left his house in Shohouh zone in Seiyoun district. Seiyoun. There was a
majestic funeral procession majestic spearheaded by a number of
social figures, sports leaders of and many people various cities and
villages of Wadi Hadhramau that attended it. Salatul Al-janaza was said
on his body in Seiyoun great Mosque after the prayer he was laid to
rest at Jaouhar cemetery located in .He died at the age of 64 after a
struggle with the disease and pain .
The deceased was born in 1948
.Married and got 5 children two boys Mohammed Yahya and three daughters
The late Emigrated to Saudi Arabia in the early sixties of last century
until his return in mid-eightees of the last century . He and settled
down at Al-seheel zone within Seiyoun city.