Tenders worth (460 million riyals) for projects- to rehabilitate roads in Wadi Hadhramaut
The Source: SEIYOUN/hadharamaut.info - 17/01/2011
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Envelopes for tenders were opened today afternoon at the reconstruction fund hadhramaut office. The projects worth (460 million riyals) for rehabilitating interior and sub-districts roads in four of Wadi and Sahraa districts. These roads are in Seiyoun, Tarin, Shibam and Al-qatn and were the ones affected by flood disaster of 2008 . Wadi Hadhramaut fund reconstruction director Faiza Faraj Bin Thabit, talking to Hadhramaut website, said that those roads to be restored in Seiyoun City and its suburbs and of estimated length (12.6) kilo, and at a total cost of (one hundred and seven million, one hundred and thirty thousand, one hundred and sixty-four Rial) - Roads will included ( Bour, Madude and Jujah mounyain Al-ardh east ). Street to be restored in the Tarim are of length (13.7) kiloand costing (one hundred and thirty-nine million two hundred and three thousand five hundred and sixty-four Rials) and will include roads (the Entrance to Einat town, Al-rodud Mishtah and Salilah). In Shibam road tobe rehabilitated are of length (17) kilometers and at a total cost of (one hundred and sixteen million eight hundred and forty-six thousand, one hundred and forty-seven Rials) and that will include roads (Beheira, Bruuj, Jeeimeh Al-aalamiah and Wadi bin Ali) and in Alqatn Districts road for restoration are of length (38.3) kilometers and at a total cost of(one hundred and fifty-five million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and one seventy-Rials ) in areas of (Aqraan, Eseis, Sar, Buruj, and Al-ardh ) Also passed the statement that roads other and subsidiary street will be raised in the earlier stages after the preparation of studies to be done by the General Public works Office for roads in Wadi Hadhramaut. Reconstruction fund manager in Wadi Hadramout Engineer / Faiza Faraj bin Thabit, at the end of her statement she renewed Fund's intention to move forward to accomplish the tasks entrusted to it and restore completely the destroyed roads by rains and floods of 2008. This is according to the directives and policies of the Fund and the directives of the political leadership represented by His Excellency President Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic, who pay special attention to complete the compensation and to overcome the effects of the disaster. It is also the concerns of the government, efforts of local authority in the province and the Wadi and Sahraa and the efforts of Undersecretary - Fund Executive Director / Engineer Mohammed Abdullah Mutaafi . She praised all those who contributed tothe success of the Fund's work and the completion of files affected, these efforts are commended