Hadhramaut University students visits Hadhramaut Website
The Source: MUKALA/hadhrmaut.info - 20/12/2010
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Hadhramaut University Faculty of Science fourth Level Students ( department of mathematics) on Monday morning 20/12/2010 paid a visit to Hadhramaut Website Network at Bel-faqeeh Center. They were received by Engineer Alwi Omar Al-jufri i information technology project manager - local administration and Anwar Abdalllah Ba-salum editor Hadhramout Governorate network sites official electronic network .The students were presented with detailed explanation on the activity of the network, service, level of work provided by the network and the role it plays in communicating the message of Hadhramout and as it is the only window on the national level in particular and the Golbe. The students at the end of their visit they signed few words in the Visiting Register. Book where they expressed their impression the words , "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful . We are honored to visit Hadhramaut web sites and impressed to the services the site provides and especially that its in Hadhramout The site It is an honor for each Hadhrami in particular, and each Yemen. We thank Mr. Anwar Ba-salum - Chief editor. Mr. Alawi Al-jufri - project manager information technology and all the crew on the site with their hospitality and adequate explanation . "We wish wishes all excellence and success. "