Eid al-Adha holiday begins 15/11 and 21/11 is first official working day.
The Source: SANA'A/hadhramaut.info/sabanews.net - 07/11/2010
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Ministry of civil service and insurance announced to all employees of State and the public that the blessed Eidul-adh-ha holidays will begin on the ninth of Dhu al-Hijjah 1431, corresponding to the15th November, 2010 and ends on the fourteenth of Dhul-hijjah 1431 H, corresponding to 20th November, 2010 . work begins on Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ministry noted that this service comes on the basis of Article 3, paragraph (2 / a) of the Law No.2 of 2000 that identifies vacations and holidays, also to the Council of Ministers Resolution No, (274) for the year 1999 on the operational procedures for application of t official working schedules. The Ministries of Civil Service and Insurance, media and organizations that follow it, take this opportunity on this particular occasion by sending their warmest congratulations and best blessings to the Political leadership Represented by His Excellency, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic and to all the Yemeni people. We ask Allah Almighty to repeat thisOccasion to Yemen, Arab and Islamic nations with good health and happiness..