Eid al-Fitr holidays begins 29/9/1431A.H - 08/09/2010 and ends 04/10 /1431A.H
The Source: SANA'A/hadhramaut.infor/sabanews.net - 07/09/2010
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Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance announced to all employees and units of the administrative apparatus of state, public and mixed that Eid al-Fitr will begin on Wednesday the 29 of Ramadan 1431 H, corresponding to September 8, 2010 and will end on Monday the fourth of Shawwal 1431 H corresponding to September 13, 2010 and work begins on on Tuesday, the fifth of Shawaal 1431 H corresponding September 14, 2010.
The Ministry of Civil Service and the media take this great religious opportunity and is sending its warmest congratulations and best blessings to His Excellency President Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic and to all members of the Yemeni people .. We ask God Almighty to restore this occasion to the Yemeni people and the Arab and Muslim nations with better future and blessings.