Training course on "human project", for volunteers concludes its session in Mukalla
The Source: MUKALLA/ - 05/08/2010
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The first training course for volunteers on "human project", concluded its activities in Mukalla Yesterday. It was attended by mor two hundred and fifty volunteers and intended to
support a hundred families in Wadi Hadramout coast and the
participation of more than two hundred and fifty volunteersEngineer Mohammed Riaz project officer clarified that the project aims to establish one hundred small economic projects for one hundred family. These families should have one condition out of these three condition : First, to have a child aged seven to to fourteeyears old and should be school dropout or child runs away and does not want to engage in any type of work, , or a child who has a talent in any field and coming from a poor family . this project is to in order to help them establish a small project for the family to help them improve their income, educate their children and care in an integrated manner in the areas of health, education, economics and sociology.