H.E Mr. Hassan Ahmed All-wazi Minister of Information confirmed that by the beginning
of next year hadhramaut cultural channel will be operating.
He also
confirmed the interest of His Excellency President Ali Abdullah Saleh,
President of the Republic, his concern and continued
guidance to the Ministry of Information
on the release Hadhramout cultural Channel due to
be launched early next year.
He pointed
out that the Ministry of Information and the leaders of radio and television network
have made strenuous efforts to implement the directives of H.E the President of the
Republic to establish Hadhramout cultural space channel and access it
to the reality of being implemented. At the moments staff in the Ministry of
Finance study this project in order to reinforce the institution of public
radio and television with the amounts needed to start implementation. Special
steps are needed as some of these steps requires advertising of the tenders and
importing many of the technical equipment required from outside the country.