Education Minister commends the discipline and creative work in Hadramout
The Source: mukalla/ - 01/04/2010
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In a meeting he chaired, Education Minister commends the discipline and creative work in Hadramout , In an Expanded meeting today chaired by Minister of Education Dr. Abdul Salam Al-joufi, educational leaders in Hadhramout and Managers of public schools in the District of Mukalla. The meeting discussed the functioning of various departments of education, development programs plans and ways to identify problems and obstacles that hinder the educational process. The Minister commends the discipline and creative work in Hadramout. Fuwa Girls Educational Complex in Mukalla, funded by Alawn Establishement for development. The project will contribute in improving the levels of students in mastering English lamguage , He also . attended the morning school assembly school at October Primary school within the city Mukalla,. He expressed his admiration for the morning presentation programm which confirmed the keenness of the school management on mainstreaming the values of loyalty and patriotism in the hearts of students .