Payement continues compensating the affected in Hadhramaut coastal areas
The Source: Mukalla/ - 20/10/2009
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Fund for the reconstruction of Hadhramaut and Mahara Continues with the distribution of compensation payments to affected people by the flood disaster last year. The payments is given directly as cash to the hands of those affected in various affected of hadhramaut. In this context, today cash money was handed over to the fisheries sector affected by the floods in Roukeb area in Mukalla district. The financial compensation amounting to Ten Million Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand Riyals given to sixty-five beneficiaries of Roukeb Association. Compensation was also given to the partially affected in Hai 22 Mayu area and Hai Al-wehdah District of Ghail Bawazir amounting to Two Million Rials and twenty-nine people benefited from the reconstruction Fund..The function was attended by Fund's Branch distribution Director Mr. Moez Mohsen Bafadhil and Area Fund Manager, Mohammed Sheikh Baharoon Finance Manager, several fisherman and members of the public. The reconstruction fund Al-Mukalla branch yesterday witnessed another fund distribution function, compensating the affected ones in the fisheries section of Al-hami and Al-sheher. District Commissioner Mr. Hussein Mohammed Ba-dahiayh Al-amoudi comm emended the hard work done by the Reconstruction Fund Mukalla Branch in order to ease the suffering and alleviate the morale of those affected throughout the affected areas.