Washington welcomes re-opening Hodeida harbor, Sana'a airport
The Source: SABA News Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Saturday 25 / Nov. / 2017
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The white House welcomed a decision made by Saudi-led Coalition that
backed Yemeni legal government about re-opening Hodeida harbor and
Sana'a airport to allow entry of humanitarian aids that Yemeni people in
need of.
In statement issued Friday, the White House stated that Yemeni peoples suffering requires to make humanitarian relief a top priority, organizations operate in humanitarian relief ought to be capable to do their job and political process needs to be promoted.
The statement also confirmed that Washington is committed to constantly" support Saudi Arabia Kingdom and America's allies in Arabian Gulf against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its flagrant violations of International Law"…. The statement indicated that "Houthi rebels backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard used missiles systems aimed to disturb stability".
The statement stressed that International community ought to take all necessary steps to hold the Iranian regime responsible for its constant violations of the International Security Councils resolutions no 2216 and 2231. " The Iranian Revolutionary Guard capitalized on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen to push its own regional ambitions', the statement noted..