Al-ajaam opens a training course on how to increase animal production [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 17/09/2012] Hadhramout assiatant Undersecreatry for Wadi and Sahraa Affairs Fahd Salah today opened a training course on how to increase animal production.
The course which will continue for 5 weeks is being attended by 15 Veterinary tutors.  In his opening speech the Undersecretay confirmed that  the local authority is paying more attention to the agricultural field in Wadi areas and the Sahraa and its both  sectors agricultural, vegetable as well  improving the conditions of workers in this vital sector, which absorbs more than 70 per cent of the region's population. The aim of the training is to identify practical applications in the field of animal production and animal health to the Veterinary tutors and instructorsof Seyoun District.  The opening session was attended by the Seiyoun District  Local Council Secretary-General Hussain Ba-makhramah,Director of the Agricultural Training CenterEng. Shukri Ba-mussa, Director Wadi Agricultural Department got  training  tutors engineer Ahmed Ba-salamah and a number of specialists in the relete field.