Obaidullah Al-Saqqaf Center honors server of Sharia Sheikh / Mehdi Ba-rajaa
[The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 13/09/2012]
In a majestic ceremony Obaidullah Al-Saqqaf Center honored server of Sharia and Masaajid place of worship Sheikh / Mehdi bin Mohammed bin Masoud Ba-rajaa
In a majestic ceremony held by Obaidullah Al-Saqqaf Center for serving heritage and community and within its activity and message of generosity on Wednesday evening the center honored server of Sharia and Allah place of worship Sheikh Mehdi bin Mohammed bin Masoud Ba-rajaa. The sheikh is a religious and social figures in Seiyoun city and Wadi Hadramout where he gave his life in the service of Shariaa nd Massajid Allah. He was the Kahtib and Imam of Masjid Jamiie Seiyoun City for over fifty years, an orator, lawyer, a social reformer and conversant with the knowledge of inheritance. He was able to solve a lot of issues in buying and selling and shares of inheritance in addition to being the only Kadhi in contracting marriage contracts in the level of Seiyoun city and people of the city have respect for him as a well a high status and by all.