Training courses in the field of (C.P.R) takeplace in Mukalla [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 19/07/2012] Two Training courses in the field of Cardiac and Pulmonary Resusitation(C.P.R) were held  place in Mukalla under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Hadhramout health Organization.
The sessions were organized during the period from 8th July,2012 - 11th July,2012.  The Primary course in the field of cardio pulmonary resuscitation from the 8th July-10th July and the Advanced cardiac Pulmonary Resusitation was held on  10-11 July resuscitation during two consecutive days.It was implemented by a cardiac Pulmonary Resusitation team  King Fahd Medical City training Centre, Saudi Arabia, which is being  recognized by the American Heart Association The Team