Students Charity Fund honors outstanding graduates of [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 19/04/2012]   In the presence of Hadhramaut Deputy Governor,  Students Charity Fund  today   honored outstanding graduates of Hadhramaut and Al-ahgaff Univerity, community pioneers Tarim Cultural Forum Charity Fund  Foundation  for outstanding students today honored pioneers of community service with  in 2012  Sheikh Salem bin Said Ba-hamdan  Award  and  top graduates of the Universities of Hadhramaut for Science Technology and Al-ahqaf  with prize  of Sheikh Saeed bin Saleh bin Mahfouz for the year 2010/2011 as well as members of the Scientific Committee of  Tarim culture Forum. The function which was held at the Bal-faqih Cultural Center  was attended by Ahmed Junaid Al-Junaid  Hadhramout  Deputy Governor, Ahmed Salem Al-Khanbashi  member of the Shura Council,  Dr  Abdul-Baki Ali Al-huthrey Governorate's local council Chairman of social Affairs Committee,  Vice  chancellors of both Hadhramaut Unvivesity as well as Al-ahgaff, religious scholars sheiks, dignitaries, cultural and educational media.