Course on onion crop production ends in Al-qatn district [The Source: AL-QATN/ - 18/04/2012] Training course  on onion crop production  organized  by the project to rebuild the early living  in the Governorates of Hadhramout and Al-Mahra and  part of  the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  was  concluded yesterday  in Al-qatn district.
  It started on 15th April,2012 to 17/4/2012 and was attended by  (25)  farmers  coming from districts  Shibam, al-qatn, Wadi Al-ain - Hura and  Doan and being implemented by the training center of the  Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in  Wadi  Hadhramaut and Sahraa.
The closing ceremony was attended by  Doan district Director General/Local council Chairman Mr.  Salem Abdullah Ba-hmeid,  Secretary-General of Al-qatn Local Council Secretary general  Mr.Mohamed Awadh  Bell-agam,  Planning Committee Chairman Mr.  Saleh Salem Bin Khamis,  Services Committee Chairman Eng / Ahmed Khamis Bei-zar,  Governing body Chairman Mr.Haddad Al-Quhom,  several  engineers and office managers from  District Agriculture departments