For the third consecutive day of immunization 128,284 children gets vaccination against [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 04/04/2012] For the third  consecutive day of immunization 128,284 children were  vaccinated against measles and polio in Wadi Hadhramout and Sahraa region.
For the third day of immunization 128,284 children  were vaccinated against measles and polio in Wadi Hadhramout and its Sahraa region.  The number of children vaccinated  in the district of wadi Hadhramaut and Sahraa against measles and polio reached 128,284 boys and girls of whom 33,465 boys and girls vaccinated against polio. This number  until the end of the third day of the national preventive campaign against measles and polio in the districts of Wadi Hadramout and the desert have been vaccinated against polio.