Students of Wadi Hadhramaut sits for final Examination [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 21/01/2012] More than 120 thousand secondary school  students from Wadi Hadhramaut and Sahraa today,  sat the first semester final Examination. The first semester final examination was launched this morning in all secondary schools located in Wadi and Sahraa and being attended by more than 120 thousands students  attending .
This was confirmed by Hadhramaut Deputy Governor for Wadi and Sahraa Affairs  Omaier Mbarak Omaier Mubarak. The Deputy was inspecting the conduct of the ongoing examinations  in the city of Seiyoun schools. He was accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Fal-houm Wadi Hadhrmaut and Sahraa Director General -Office of the Ministry of Education.  Mr. Omaier stressed that Wadi Hadramaut and the Sahara, and Yemen in general is expecting better grades from the students than the previous years grades and added  the schools in the Wadi and Sahraa in the previous years  presented  many outstanding students at the level of the Republic, urging all students to take this examinations  seriously and perseverance until the harvest the highest level