Youth in Mukalla forms Barra Al-seddah Neighborhood society
[The Source: MUKALLA/ - 12/01/2012]
Farhan: The society launched by the efforts youth enthusiasm, eager
to serve their community without any dictations from any Party.
Dr. Bahaj: a century since the formation of Barra Al-seddah, this
brough to us the memories of voluntary work and the unity of people in
.The youth of Al-ssalaam zone “Barrah Al-seddah” regained the memories of
their grandparents the culture of voluntary work which is famous in
Hadhramaut since ancient times. Unbeaten group of youth with their pain are drawing a bright future that will pave the way for youth a revolution that stems from Hai Al-Salam and to spread though all of Mukalla neighborhood and later on to Hadhramaut. This will be through awareness messages that will be extended so as to o urge the youth to love voluntary work and have the ability to be goodwill ambassadors for their community.