First oil shipment from Petromasilah peoduced by Yemeni cadre hands [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 01/01/2012] First oil shipment that was shipped yesterday from Petromasilah sector (14) to Global markets reached One million nine hundred thousand barrels.
This is first consignment shipment dealt with directly by Yemeni cadre after the sector was handed over by the Canadian Nexen to the Local Company Petromasilah.  Leaders from Ministry of Oil andthe  provincial local authority agreed  that the appointment of a manager to run the company should be from Hadhramout  sons.  Nominations for this post is in the the appointing of either  former Oil Minister Rashid Ba-rabaa and Yemeni ambassador in Canada, Khalid  Ba-hah for the job. The are other names also   added  to run as  candidates, from Hadhramaut sons  who have held senior positions at the former Canadian Nexen Petroleum Company.