Wadi Hadhramaut Deaf and Dumb Society Management approves its work plan [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 29/12/2011] Managenent of Wadi Hadhramaut society for the rehabilitation of  Deaf and Dumb, approved its work plan for year 2012.

In its meeting this afternoon the Society also  approved its report on  evaluation  on the level of implementation for the current year 2011.The committee in its meeting yesterday under the chairmanship its President   Mohammad Salem Ba-saidah, reviewed the most important activities and programs included in the  next year plan.The most important of  this is the completion and  the implementation of the  integrated projects carried out by the society  and funded the Social Fund for Development /MukallaBranch  to integrate qualified students from Amal School for the deaf and dumb to the ranks of primary schools out of these schools they selected Al-mukhtarah School in  seiyoun city.