Al-deini Warns of a plot to destabilize security in the pronvince
[The Source: MUKALLA/ - 06/11/2011]
Hadhramout Governor Mr. Khalid Saeed Al-deini today delivered a speech to the sons of the province living in the Coastal, Wadi, Sahraa and Socotra Archipelago.
In his speech he extended Eid Aladh'ha greeting to the people and congratulated them on on this great religious event Eid al-Adh, The
governor invited them to unite, reject all destructive calls that are
aimed at undermining security and stability and to make this Eid
Holiday (Holiday of love) ..And on your behalf we extend our deepest congratulations and blessings on this occasion to His Excellency Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic and to everyone of you . Let our festival be (Holiday of love) and and I wish you all happy Idd further progress, peace and prosperity May Allah peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.