Meeting in Mukalla disscusse mechanism Governing the work of loading and unloading [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 18/10/2011] A Meeting was held in Mukalla to discuss   mechanism Governing the work of loading and unloading at the Port Mukalla..
It was chaired by  Assistant  Deputy Governor of Hadhramout for Coastal districts Affairs  Nasser Salim Bal-bheith. The meeting wa attended by  Officials from port of  Mukalla Port, Customs, Legal Affairs  Office,  Hadhramaut Chamber of Commerce and Industry, branch of the General Federation of Trade Unions in thr province   and representatives of shipping companies. The meeting discussed situation at the port of Mukalla organizing and developing a  mechanism of loading and unloading with the identification of the  price agreed to unload various goods  out of cargo ships. The agreed price  should be forwarded to local authority   leadership and  the competent authorities for approval and as well as implementation.