Omaier inspects the course of study in girls College. [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 21/09/2011] Hadhramaut  Deputy Governor for Wadi Hadhramaut and Sahraa  Affairs Omaier Mbarak Omaier today inspected the course of study going on at the in Seiyoun  girls College Faculty of Education
It should be noted that the number of students enrolled in the College of Educationt  Seiyoun are one 1500 students. They are divided into  four levels  studying at the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Out of these 1130 students in other  college departments, while 283 other students are in other college of Girls distributed among three  sections, Islamic Studies, kindergartens and English Language. Students   attendance in the first day of the college for the current academic year 2011 - 2012  was between 90 to 100 per cent. The Deputy Governor was accompanied by Seiyoun  District Director  Salem Yislam Bin  Sherman