Ribaat Bahr-alnoor of fuwa honor students of the second summer session
[The Source: MUKALLA/ - 22/07/2011]
Ribaat Bahr-alnoor for Islamic and religious Education fuwa held a ceremony to honor students of the second summer session.
The summer camp wa organized by Ribaat Bahr Al-noor in its building next to masjid BahrAl-noor at Fuwah Al-masakenThe closing ceremony attended by Hadhramaut Deputy Governor for Coastal Affairs districts, Nasser Salim Bal-beheith. The Deputy pointed to the role that must be played by these Religious institutions and Ribaats in graduating generation armed with science, literature, education and ethics of Prophet Mohamaed (S.A.W) and which was taught by our noble Prophet to the Islamic nation. Prophet Mohammad (S.a.W) also instilled the values of moderation and the rejection of hatred, resentment and which our religion already warned of it. He said that there is great responsibility waiting those graduates from this session toward their families and their community so as to serv their religion and and globe in general. That will enable to spread the call of Allah and His Messenger, especially those students coming from rural areas. The Deputy Bal-beheith called upon the Office of the Ministry of Endowments and Guidance coastal branch to interact positively and give all aspects of support for such events. He thanked efforts made by the leadership of Ribaat of Islamic education in implementing a number of summer sessions and camps in some of the Coastal city mosques cities, as well as those in charge of this Arbitah and all those who contributed to their success. During the ceremny, Governor of Hadramout Khalid Saeed Al-deini was honured by the Ribaat and his certificate wa received on his behalf by Deuty Governor Nassir Bal-beheith also a number of and a number of traders, businessman philanthropist , students and those good samartans who their valued time were honoured.