Governor Al-deini urges action to completethe new cases of social welfare [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 26/04/2011] Hadhramout Governor Khalid Saeed Al-deini  along with local council  head of services in the province, Dr. Ali Abdul Baqi Al-huthrey viewed the Social Welfare Fund activities in the branch of  coast of Hadhramout. 
 It is concerning the increase in shares in social security, Coast of  Hadhramaut. Governor Al-deini was brieifed  by Mohamed El-Kef, Fund branch Manager on the  efforts  being made to expand the social safety net and the  increase of new cases benefiting from the Social Welfare Fund. The newly registered  members for this are roughly (8163) and these as part of new cases that were assimilated as per the directive of his Excellency the President of the Republic. Governor  Al-deiniurged the for need to complete the procedures for these new cases and follow-up the process of paying the beneficiaries thier dues from the Social Welfare Fund and in different areas of the province.