Habits of hunting in Haddramaut [The Source: - ] Habits of hunting in Haddramaut:
Habits and customs as well as traditions of hunting in Hadhramaut is the same as before. If we can remember the people of Maduda they hunt in different valley, the people of Damoun hunt in their own valleys. The people of Algaryah they hunt in Al-gheil and Alghabraa. The people of Gasam hunt in a valley called Hussein. The habit of using trained dogs in hunting usually done by the people of Eunaat. This village is famous in using them. And for the trained dog usually they give him half share of man hunter. As stated that with the differing customs and traditions that marks the hunting of an Ibex. It said that the messenger in Maduda comes out from the area of hunting while carrying the sponsor as a sign of hunting but in Dammoun,El-garyeh, Einaat, Mishtah, and the people of other areas in the eastern parts of valley such as Al-saum and Al-mukheibiah  they use different ways in passing these message.  It is noted that the prestigious acquired skill  by an animal, such as the Ibex in the civilization of Yemen,  and as it is reflected in some inscriptions discovered assigned and deposited in various museums in Yemen as well other parts of the World.